
标题: 【补档】读屏族[ABC唱片 K2-132]現代舞劇《白毛女》全劇 2CD[115礼包] [打印本页]

作者: 卧听潇雨    时间: 2015-1-16 19:51
标题: 【补档】读屏族[ABC唱片 K2-132]現代舞劇《白毛女》全劇 2CD[115礼包]
本帖最后由 实不解虚 于 2015-3-5 08:46 编辑

专辑中文名: 現代舞劇《白毛女》全劇
专辑英文名: The White-Haired Girl
艺术家: 上海舞蹈學校《白毛女》劇組交響樂隊
音乐类型: 中国音乐
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [ABC唱片 K2-132]
发行时间: 2007年
地区: 大陆




http://www.abcrecord.com/cn/defa ... hopid=834&markname=上海舞蹈學校《白毛女》劇組交響樂隊


白毛女 CD1:

01. 序曲    [0:01:57.52]
02. 序幕 壓不住的怒火    [0:03:16.47]
Prologue An Irresponsible Indignation
03. 北風吹    [0:01:52.69]
North Wind Blowing
04. 窗花舞    [0:03:25.66]
Dance of the Window Paper-Cut
05. 階級情義深    [0:02:53.63]
Deep Class Affection
06. 仇恨怒火燃胸懷    [0:02:02.59]
Hatred Burning in Heart Like a Fire
07. 迎爹爹    [0:00:41.14]
Waiting for Daddy
08. 紮紅頭繩    [0:02:47.08]
Tying up Hairs With a Red Ribbon
09. 黃世仁逼債    [0:00:43.08]
Urging Debt
10. 楊白勞奮起反抗    [0:02:10.69]
Brave Resistance of Yang Bai-lao
11. 喜兒哭爹    [0:01:36.57]
Weeping Daddy
12. 大春怒斥黃世仁    [0:01:09.68]
Da-chun‘s Angrily Rebuke on Huang Shi-ren
13. 大春與狗腿子們搏鬥    [0:01:05.52]
Da-chun Fighting with Henchmen
14. 大春舉斧獨舞    [0:00:39.32]
Solo Dance With Da-chun
15. 投奔八路軍    [0:01:38.54]
Joining in the Red Army
16. 喜兒與張二嬸患難與共    [0:01:36.29]
Sharing Adversity with Auntie Zhang
17. 狠毒的地主婆    [0:01:49.32]
The Cruel Landlord’s Wife
18. 喜兒遭受逼害    [0:06:15.69]
Xi’er‘s Suffer
19. 沖出虎狼窩    [0:03:34.53]
Escaping from the Den of Wolves and Tigers
20. 張二嬸掩護喜兒    [0:01:13.30]
Being Sheltered by Auntie Zhang
21. 狗腿子追趕喜兒    [0:01:23.37]
Being Pursued by the Henchmen
22. 喜兒藏身蘆葦叢    [0:00:58.40]
Hiding in the Reeds
23. 狗腿子悻悻而歸    [0:01:33.14]
The Henchmen Go Back Sulkily
24. 要報仇    [0:01:38.50]
25. 進深山    [0:03:14.15]
Sheltering in Deep Moutain
26. 抗風沙    [0:01:12.28]
Fighting with Wind and Sand Storm
27. 打野獸    [0:01:58.72]
Driving the Wild Animals Away
28. 頂風冒雪    [0:01:42.56]
Struggling in the Wind and Snow
29. 盼東方出紅日    [0:02:17.58]
Longing for the Sun to Rise in the East  

白毛女 CD2:

01. 歡迎子弟兵    [0:03:14.68]
Greeting the People’s Soldiers
02. 大春回到楊各莊    [0:01:54.47]
Da-chun Returning to Yang-ge Village
03. 張二嬸訴說喜兒的遭遇    [0:01:04.02]
Auntie Zhang States the Ordeal of Xi’er
04. 宣傳群眾·組織群眾    [0:03:49.61]
Propagandizing and Organizing the Public
05. 軍民團結·同仇敵愾    [0:00:49.03]
Repelling the Enemy Jointly
06. 喜兒進奶奶廟    [0:02:07.41]
Going to the Temple
07. 驚慌的黃世仁    [0:01:13.30]
Huang Shi-ren in Great Panic
08. 見仇人烈火燒    [0:02:04.23]
Raging Fire Burning at the Sight of the Enemy
09. 大春率眾捕黃、穆    [0:00:49.60]
Da-chun Arresting Huang Shi-ren with the Public
10. 大春發現白毛女    [0:01:07.47]
Da-chun Discovered Xi’er
11. 喜兒回到山洞    [0:01:53.51]
Returning to the Cave
12. 見親人    [0:03:51.51]
Meeting the Relatives
13. 大春帶來解放的喜訊    [0:02:02.02]
Gold News of Liberation Brought by Da-chun
14. 喜戴紅頭巾    [0:01:04.64]
Wearing Red Headband
15. 太陽出來了    [0:01:07.32]
The Sun has Risen
16. 紅纓槍舞    [0:02:06.65]
Dance of Red Ribbon Gun
17. 喜兒回來了    [0:01:18.12]
Xi’er’s Back
18. 鬥爭黃世仁    [0:04:06.57]
Punish Huang Shi-ren
19. 迎太陽    [0:01:20.20]
Waiting for Sunrise
20. 慶翻身    [0:03:33.67]
Celebrating Liberation
21. 百萬工農齊奮起    [0:01:42.69]
Millions of Workers and Farmers Resisting Together
作者: 小尾巴    时间: 2015-1-17 14:43
作者: 卧听潇雨    时间: 2015-3-4 21:13
作者: tc-cs    时间: 2018-6-13 09:59
作者: tc-cs    时间: 2018-6-13 10:08
作者: jrz2004    时间: 2023-3-22 19:38
作者: dftn888    时间: 2024-7-24 17:36

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